How I Met Your Mother

(2005 - 2014)

"The great moments of your life won't necessarily be the things you do, they'll also be the things that happen to you."
-Ted Mosby-

Why Watch How I Met Your Mother (HIMYM) :

Calling every Series Fanatics, whom may not have moved on from the late 90s TV Series "Friends"! HIMYM provides all the answers to your cravings and your prayers: with a "Friends" like vibes with more modern-day savvy, a perfect combination of romantic drama, friendship values and genuine comedy.

Who will enjoy HIMYM :

  • Comedy Lovers
  • "Friends" loyal followers
  • Quotes Getter
  • Romance and Drama Enthusiats

HIMYM Background (a brief Synopsis) :

Most of this TV series occurs in the "Big Apple" city of New York. Tells us the story of a dad retelling his children a series of his personal experiences and flashbacks, entangling them on a journey to his past, his friends and his struggles in finding his one, true love and eventually their collective happiness. 

This nine seasoned TV series will teach us a lot the values of friendship, love and a never give-up fighting spirit wrapped in comedy in modern-day New York, the City that Never Sleeps.

The famous actor, mainly known for the renowned 90s TV series Doogie Howser and Smurfs acted in this installment as the influential character named Barney Stinson. He is a flamboyant, heterosexual guys with god-like knowledge and tricks, a predator for girls young and old all over the city. Although, mainly bringing troubles to his best friends, Marshal and Ted. 

Basically, Barney is a gentle-hearted character and his loyalty and dependence on his friends often becomes his strongest virtue. Their each and every adventures are always something to look out for.

See you in the Next Post & till then Happy Binge Watching!